Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Commercial Construction Loan

Posted on August 29th, 2024. 

Securing the right commercial construction loan is a pivotal step toward turning your project visions into reality. While it might feel exhilarating to start on a new build, the journey is often rife with complexities that can trip you up if not meticulously planned. From developing a detailed budget to fully comprehending the fine print of loan agreements, there is a wealth of considerations to keep in mind. These, combined with the often nerve-wracking task of amassing the necessary documentation, can quickly become overwhelming.

Although most businesses approach this with due diligence, subtle mistakes can still seep through, leading to significant financial repercussions and potential derailment of your construction project.

Imagine, you've got a stellar project blueprint and a team ready to break ground. However, the overlooked finer details can dramatically shift outcomes, putting you at risk of exhausting funds prematurely or locking into a loan that's financially stifling. Missing these can set off a domino effect of project delays, possibly halting construction for ages.

Fortunately, with the right strategies and expert insights, you can effectively avoid these potential pitfalls. By focusing on planning and cultivating strong relationships with financial advisors and lenders, you lay the groundwork for a more robust and resilient project framework.


Never Underestimate Project Costs

Never underestimate project costs – it's one of the gravest errors you can make when financing a new build. Overlooking this aspect can lead to significant financial pitfalls that might derail the entire commercial construction project. When you don't have a detailed breakdown of all expenses, you're opening yourself up to substantial financial risk which could leave you short of funds before the project is completed.

Think about the consequences of running out of money halfway through the construction—delays, additional loan applications, and the potential for your project to never reach completion. Consulting with experienced contractors, financial advisors, and even other businesses that have gone through similar projects can help you gather realistic estimates. Engaging with professionals early on can help you get a clearer picture of anticipated costs, enabling you to secure sufficient funding from the get-go.

  • Factor in every single element that contributes to the overall expense of your build, from labor and materials to permits and unexpected delays. Often, costs such as site preparation, utilities, and landscaping can be overlooked or underestimated.
  • A thorough budget should account for every phase of the project, from planning and design to construction and finishing touches.
  • Set contingency funds aside– this will act as a financial buffer to cover unexpected costs that may come up. For example, you might encounter issues such as hidden structural problems, price hikes for materials, or changes in labor costs. Allocating 10-15% of your total budget as contingency can help you go through these bumps in the road without jeopardizing the entire project.


Don't Ignore Loan Terms and Conditions

It's quite tempting to rush into signing the dotted line, especially if interest rates seem favorable at first glance. However, diving deeper, you may discover high annual percentage rates (APRs) and inflexible repayment schedules that could strain your cash flow significantly. Have you ever considered what happens if your project timelines extends? Hard money loans, often characterized by their higher interest rates, can quickly escalate your financial burden if not managed properly.

Engaging with a financial advisor or having a legal expert review the loan documents can provide insights into elements you might have missed. Addressing these surprises early on can save you headaches, allowing you to focus more on your construction project's success.

These are some things you shouldn't miss:

  • Pay close attention to the repayment schedule since a rigid structure can be detrimental if your build takes longer than anticipated or you encounter unforeseen events. Hard money loans usually provide shorter terms with interest-only payments ending in a balloon payment.
  • Borrowers sometimes overlook prepayment penalties, variable interest rates, or balloon payments embedded in the loan agreement. These terms can dramatically affect your project's financial viability over its lifespan.
  • Scrutinize other potential fees tied to your commercial construction loan. Application fees, origination fees, and closing costs can add expenses that many borrowers forget to factor into their budgeting. For example, hard money loans often come with upfront fees, raising the initial cost of borrowing. 

Transparency with your lender is also key; ask detailed questions to clarify anything that seems ambiguous. A well-defined loan agreement ensures that both parties are on the same page, mitigating risks and fostering a more trusting relationship with your lender.


Don't Fail to Prepare Adequate Documentation

When applying for a commercial construction loan, lenders often request a wide range of documents. These may include detailed project plans, contractor bids, a detailed budget, business financial statements, personal financial statements, tax returns, and proof of property ownership. Each of these documents serves a critical purpose: they convey your preparedness and transparency and demonstrate your project's financial viability.

Proper documentation is not only a requirement but a vital aspect of your loan application. Collecting and organizing the necessary paperwork early on can ease the loan approval process and can even favorably impact the terms of your loan.

Here's what to do:

  • Always double-check each document for completeness and accuracy before submission. For example, if your business financial statements are outdated or contain errors, this can create doubts in your lender's mind. Furthermore, incomplete contractor bids or omissions in your project plan can lead the lender to question your project's feasibility.
  • It’s also prudent to consult with professionals, such as accountants and project managers, to make sure that every aspect of the documentation is thorough and accurate.
  • Organizing these documents in a logical and easily understandable manner can significantly impact how quickly and smoothly your application is processed. A well-prepared loan package reflects your commitment to the project and also allows the lender to see that you're a responsible and organized borrower. This type of attention to detail not only speeds up the loan approval process but can also positively influence the lender's confidence in your project's success.


Don't Forget to Assess All Different Types of Loans

Many borrowers gravitate towards these quick-financing solutions without considering whether they're truly the best fit for their projects. For example, while hard money loans can be lifesavers in situations requiring fast funding, the higher costs can become burdensome if not anticipated properly. Plus, these loans often have rigid repayment schedules, which can strain your cash flow if your project experiences delays.

Each type of financing has its own set of benefits and potential drawbacks, and you should do your homework to see which one aligns best with your specific project needs. These are the primary options:

  • Traditional bank loans offer lower interest rates and longer terms, but they typically require a more extensive approval process with stringent credit requirements.
  • SBA loans can provide favorable terms but often come with more documentation and a longer approval process.
  • Then there are hard money loans, characterized by their quick approval process and lesser scrutiny of credit history. These loans are secured by the property itself, making it easier for those who might not qualify for traditional loans. However, they come with higher interest rates and shorter repayment terms.

You should scrutinize not just hard money loans but also other alternatives, such as construction-to-permanent loans. These loans start as construction financing and convert to a permanent mortgage once the project is completed. This can provide the benefit of locking in an interest rate, avoiding the need for multiple loans, and simplifying the repayment process.

Consider the financial trajectory of your build: are you prepared for substantial lump-sum payments, or would a gradual, more manageable repayment plan suit your financial health better? Making these considerations early can prevent future financial stress.


Related: How to Secure Financing for Your Next Commercial Project


Wrapping Up

Securing the right type of loan and adequately preparing documentation are key steps in ensuring your commercial construction project proceeds without financial hitches. When you meticulously plan your budget, understand loan terms, and choose the appropriate financing, you set your project on a solid foundation.

With Sky Hi Funding Corp, you have access to a variety of loan programs that can cater to your needs, no matter if you are looking for residential loans, commercial real estate loans, or business loans. Our professional team is dedicated to helping you assess your financial situation, present the best possible loan packages, and make sure that you receive competitive rates tailored to your project’s needs. We work diligently to demystify the terms and conditions, so you fully comprehend your obligations. This proactive approach fosters transparency and trust, enabling you to focus more on your project and less on the complexities of financing.

Trouble going through the different types of loans or ensuring you have all the necessary documentation? Explore Our Loan Programs

Should you have any questions, our friendly team is just a phone call away—reach us at (949) 795-6400. Alternatively, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] for detailed inquiries or to schedule a consultation. Let's work together to turn your construction vision into reality with the expert support and personalized loan options that Sky Hi Funding Corp offers.

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